Django, React project deployment on AWS EC2 using Nginx as webserver and Gunicorn as wsgi server
In this tutorial we will follow the steps of deploying our Django backend & react frontend project on an AWS(ec2) instance.
Step 1: Create an AWS ec2 instance
open AWS console>create EC2 instance>select ubuntu
Step 2: Add security group and create instance
Note: leave all default settings as it is and create an instance. Once an instance is created it will be a remote Ubuntu machine which you can access using an SSH key(SSH key can be downloaded during instance creation)
Step 3: Accessing AWS instance using Terminal, Putty , Mobaxterm or any other tool of your choice. here we will go with Mobaxterm.
open Mobaxterm follow
create new session>fill remote host(copy from instance property-> public IPv4 DNS)> import SSH key and hit OK
Step 4: You can access your instance by choosing from the list appearing at left panel of Mobaxterm window
it will open a terminal, the terminal will ask you your username , default for Ubuntu is “Ubuntu”(default username may be different for different types of instance)
Step 5: Check for python3 (which is already present at Ubuntu OS)
hit command
~$ sudo apt update (to update the apt)
~$ sudo apt-get install nginx
~$ sudo systemctl start nginx
Go and check public DNS address
Step 6 : (skip this step if the Nginx server is running on a public DNS server)
check is it running internally or not by
~$ curl localhost
If this gives you html code then Nginx is working internally now issue is with your security groups > allow inbound port 80 , protocol TCP and source Anywhere
check again Nginx should be working now
Step 7: Django project directory setup
create new directory
User:~$ mkdir myproject
Install pip for package management
User:~$ sudo apt install python3-pip
Install the virtual environment for keeping isolate our project package version with other projects/global package
User:~$ sudo apt install python3-virtualenv
Create virtual environment
User:~$ virtualenv venv
Pull project from github repository
User:~$ git clone <address>
or drag drop project from local to myproject directory by using Mobaxterm
Activate virtual environment
User:~$ source venv/bin/activate
Step 8: Install all required package of your project
A better way is maintaining library list file in our project to install required libraries with supported version. in Node we maintain package.js and in Django we create a requirement.txt file, this file holds list of libraries which are in use during development.
we can create requirement.txt file at local by freeze command
pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
Installing packages either one by one or by using requirement.txt file
pip install -r djangoproject/requirement.txt
Now you can run your WSGI server like you use during development
python3 runserver
but at production we use Gunicorn wsgi server because it provides parallel processing, locking and security
Step 9: Install gunicorn
pip3 install gunicorn
Start gunicorn server
gunicorn — bind
Now we need to move to Nginx configuration for proper handshaking with gunicorn. before that just collect all static files in Django
python3 collectstatic
give the static_root folder address in, we are going to configure the same name at Nginx
Step 10: Configure Nginx
cd etc/nginx/sites-available
etc/nginx/sites-available :~$ sudo vi default
We need to configure three things here gunicorn port, static files and media files address as shown
Steps 11: If you have followed all steps correctly and today your luck is good then I’m dame sure your project will be running on the public DNS address.
Good luck ! have an energetic day.